Tag: maps

  • Double-Tap to Zoom in Android Maps

    Double-Tap to zoom is a typical feature for mapped interfaces on Android. Sometimes it’s just annoying trying to reverse-pinch to zoom with one hand while holding a device. This is something that’s not technically difficult to do, but it’s not documented very well. Here’s how to do it: Write a class that inherits from MapView,…

  • Removing Shadows From Android Map Overlay Items

    Removing the default drop-shadows from Android map overlay items is simple, but not well documented. Just override the draw method in your overlay class, and pass false for the shadow boolean: [java] @Override public boolean draw(Canvas canvas, MapView mapView, boolean shadow, long when) { super.draw(canvas, mapView, false); return true; } [/java] Make sure to return…

  • Team Development With Google Maps

    Android development with Google Maps requires you to generate an API key using the MD5 fingerprint of your keystore certificate. If there are several people on your team, it’s likely you’ll all have different debug.keystore files, and subsequently different API keys. To fix this you should share your keystore file in something like Dropbox or…